Announcing changes at McMaster Innovation Park

Since its inception, McMaster Innovation Park (MIP) has become efficient in helping innovators bridge the gap between research and industry to bring their ideas to commercial reality. The park has become an important economic driver for Hamilton and a champion for the Ontario life sciences, automotive and innovation ecosystem.  

As MIP continues to face a more competitive and complex business and real estate environment, McMaster University is taking steps to ensure the Park is best poised to take advantage of the opportunities ahead.  To continue to build on MIP’s momentum, it is necessary to reconsider its strategic direction to achieve its vision of attracting new business, supporting the companies that are there to grow, and working to create the ecosystem within Hamilton to support life sciences, automotive, materials research and other sectors

The vision and potential for the Park are still as bright as ever.; however, these changes will create a new path for MIP to further realize its vision. As a result, Ty Shattuck has left his position. MIP and McMaster University appreciate and thank him for his leadership in developing the Park and wish him well. On an interim basis, the role of CEO at MIP will be filled by Debbie Martin, who is also Associate Vice President, Real Estate, Ancillary Operations and Partnerships at McMaster University. Debbie offers tremendous experience in real estate, organizational structure and change management and has served as a MIP Board member for five years.  

“The university’s commitment to MIP’s vision has not wavered and I’m looking forward to working with all of MIP’s staff, tenants, members and partners to ensure MIP continues to grow,” says Martin. “During this period of transition, The Park will continue to operate as usual.” 

Over the next several months, MIP will take time to ensure we continue to build on the momentum that has been achieved, oversee the completion of the OmniaBio project and the establishment of a biomanufacturing campus, re-evaluate the strategy for the park and begin preparing for the search for a new CEO. We will continue to keep the community informed of any developments.  

MIP will continue to advance its vision to help innovators and ventures start, scale and thrive by establishing lucrative business clusters, growing partnerships and building an ecosystem that drives economic growth for the Hamilton region. MIP is home to over fifty companies in the Life Science, Automotive, Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing and high-tech sectors. 

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