MIP is conveniently located near the highway, on GO and city bus routes, and close to McMaster University campus.
For those travelling by car, we currently offer spac
e for over 700 vehicles in our parking lots. All lots are clearly signed regarding permits and rates to ensure clarity for all tenants and visitors.
Getting to MIP
FROM TORONTO, OAKVILLE, AND BURLINGTON: Heading west on Highway 401, Queen Elizabeth Way/QEW, or 407 (toll road), follow signs for Highway 403 West (Hamilton). Take Aberdeen exit (69B) and continue onto Aberdeen Avenue. Turn left onto Longwood Road South (first set of lights). Entrance for Fusion, OmniaBio, and MARC will be on the left at the first set of lights. Entrance for Canmet and Atrium will be on your right at the second set of lights.
FROM ST. CATHARINES AND THE NIAGARA PENINSULA: Take Queen Elizabeth Way/QEW eastbound over the Burlington Skyway Bridge. Take Highway 403 West towards Hamilton. Take Aberdeen exit (69B) and continue onto Aberdeen Avenue. Turn left onto Longwood Road South (first set of lights). Entrance for Fusion, OmniaBio, and MARC will be on the left at the first set of lights. Entrance for Canmet and Atrium will be on your right at the second set of lights.
FROM KITCHENER-WATERLOO: Take Highway 401 East to Highway 6 South. Take Highway 403 West (towards Brantford / 6 South) on the right to take you to Hamilton. Take Aberdeen exit (69B) and continue onto Aberdeen Avenue. Turn left onto Longwood Road South (first set of lights). Entrance for Fusion, OmniaBio, and MARC will be on the left at the first set of lights. Entrance for Canmet and Atrium will be on your right at the second set of lights.
Alternate Route: Take Highway 8 to the Town of Dundas; proceed along King Street straight through the town – this will become Highway 12 (Cootes Drive). Turn left onto Main Street, continue 1.5 kilometers and turn right onto Longwood Road South. Entrance for Canmet and Atrium will be on your left at the first set of lights. Entrance for Fusion, OmniaBio, and MARC will be on the left at the second set of lights.
FROM LONDON AND BRANTFORD: From London, head eastbound on Highway 401 East. Take exit and signs for Highway 403 east (Brantford/Hamilton/NiagaraFalls). Take Aberdeen exit (69B) and continue onto Aberdeen Avenue. Turn left onto Longwood Road South (first set of lights). Entrance for Fusion, OmniaBio, and MARC will be on the left at the first set of lights. Entrance for Canmet and Atrium will be on your right at the second set of lights.
FROM MCMASTER UNIVERSITY'S MAIN CAMPUS: If you are parked near the Sterling Street entrance, take Sterling Street to the first all-way stop at Dalewood. Turn right onto Dalewood then left at the lights onto Main Street West. Turn right at Longwood Street South. If you are parked on the West Campus, exit Cootes Drive to Main Street West, turn left at the lights and travel 1.5 kilometers along Main until Longwood Road. Turn right onto Longwood Road South.
Parking Map for MIP
Parking For Visitors
Paid parking is required from 8:00am to 5:00pm - Monday to Friday. Current visitor rates are $1.85 for the first hour with a daily maximum of $8.93.
MIP’s parking is managed through Honk. Parking can be paid online via HonkTap for Zone 54615 (via computer, tablet or cell phone). Signs with instructions on how to pay for parking are posted throughout the park. If you have a Honk app account, please choose Zone 54615 to pay for your visitor parking, which can be scheduled ahead of time. Additional limited parking is also located south of the CanmetMATERIALS building on Frid St., in the Visitors’ lot at the MARC building (facing the main entrance doors), and Lot 2.
For visitors without a phone or need assistance, please come to MIP admin office - Suite 101A in the Atrium.
PARKING For Tenants - MONTHLY Permits
Tenants may purchase monthly permits for Lots 2, 3, 4*, 5, 6*, and 44 Frid. Monthly permits are $65 per calendar month plus HST ($73.45). Honk accepts all major credit cards, Debit, PayPal, Google and Apple Pay. Subscriptions are set to automatically renew at the start of each month (notifications and reminders can be set). Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time but parking permits are not pro-rated and shall be valid to end of the month that has been paid.
You can purchase a monthly parking permit for Lots 2, 3, 5 (Zone 54627) by downloading the Honk app, clicking the Sign up for Parking below, or contacting the MIP Admin office for assistance.
*Due to limited availability, monthly permits for Lot 4 and 6 are restricted and require approval from MIP admin office.
McMaster University Reciprocal
McMaster Innovation Park has a reciprocal agreement with McMaster University to share the parking expenses for their combined patrons. To initiate reciprocal parking, please contact McMaster University - Parking and Security Office via email (parking@mcmaster.ca). The Account History Summary must be sent to awalton@mcmasterinnovationpark.ca or brought to the MIP Admin Office, 175 Longwood Rd. S., suite 101A, to activate your monthly permit at MIP.
Paid parking is in effect from 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday to Friday.
Payment for monthly permits, as well as hourly or daily visits can be made via Honk, as well as on-site in Suite 101A in the Atrium.
Only monthly permit holders for Lot 4 and Lot 6 are permitted to park in those designated lots. Other monthly permit holders, as well as visitors, are welcome to park in Lots 2, 3, and 5.
McMaster Parking and Security will be providing support to help with directions and guidance on using Honk. Parking enforcement will use license plate recognition. Please park in the correct lot and enter the correct license plate in Honk.
No parking in Loading Zone or unmarked areas. Unauthorized parking may be ticketed or towed.
All monthly permits are valid for the entire month. Honk processes payments 3 days before the end of the month (i.e. permits for March are processed on February 25th). To pause or cancel your monthly parking - please make this change before the end of the month. This can be done via your Honk account or please contact the MIP Admin Office, suite 101A.
For problems with Honk payments, please contact the support team at support@honkmobile.com
For queries about parking tickets, please contact parking@mcmaster.ca
If you have any further questions regarding parking, please contact Amanda Walton at awalton@mcmasterinnovationpark.ca or call 905-667-5500.